In The Media

Are Your Social Media Goals Realistic? Are They SMART?

Article written by Charli and published at Agorapulse, leaders in social media management software.

Have you taken a good hard look at your social media goals? Are they realistic? Sustainable? SMART goals? Let’s work through this together.

One of the biggest challenges that social media managers face is bridging the disconnect between social media goals and the business goals of the company. You could be killing it on your social media channels, but your bosses and shareholders aren’t feeling it. How have your likes and shares on Instagram helped the company reach its targets? Have they? A total of 47% of social media marketers say developing social strategies to support overall business goals remains their number one challenge.

In this article, I’m looking at how to set smart social media goals that align with your business.


Find me in the dark place

January 13, 2021