Facebook Boost Your Way To Success

Facebook Boost is a page tool which has been around for a while but it is often misused. Facebook Boost Your Way To Success by learning how to choose people through targeting based on location, interests, age and gender.

What is Facebook Boost?

Using Facebook Boost you can promote your posts to a wider audience including the following sets:

Why Boost Posts?

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Well, Facebook’s organic reach definitely isn’t what it used to be. This means that if you have 5000 page fans, they are not all seeing your posts. In fact the latest statistics show that the percentages of fans organically seeing your posts are as follows:

  • Links: 18%
  • Videos: 9%
  • Text Updates: 9%
  • Photos: 7%
This means that from your 5000 fans, only 450 are seeing your text updates. Out of those 450 you might get an engagement of around 5% which means just 22 people who are listening to your message! Facebook Boost allows you to extend your reach through sponsored posts which will be shown to your chosen audience.
Boosting a post increases your views and likes and hopefully, providing your message is right also increases your CTR (click through rate)

Boost Targeting

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The reason I love Facebook boost is that it allows me to set target audiences based on the results I want to achieve. I can choose countries, ages, gender and interests which really allows me to reach my ideal clients. If I am running a financial promotion aimed at Pakistan, I can select Pakistan and then select financial services under interests. My experience tells me which age group and gender are most likely to respond to my message. For example, like it or not, financial products receive a better response rate from males.

3 Boosting Tips

  1. Decide whether you want to “crowd source” for likes or whether you want genuine engagement. You will find that different demographics provide different results.
  2. Set a low starting budget (from $2 per day) and increase it if you like the results.
  3. Choose the right image and headline for your boosted post to ensure maximum results.

What is your experience of Facebook Boost? Tweet me @charli_says and let me know.

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