October Roundup: Scripts, Finance, and Drama

As October edges to its end (literally how is that even possible?) it feels like the perfect time to reflect on some of the exciting projects that have kept me creatively charged this month. From crafting scripts for luxury brands, festive articles at Agorapulse, to diving deep into the financial world of Dubai. This month has been a whirlwind of diverse writing experiences. Here’s a quick roundup of what I’ve been up to so far this month.

#1 Scriptwriting for a Private Jet Company

This month, I had the pleasure of working with a private jet company, tasked with writing a script that would encapsulate the essence of luxury travel. This is the second script I have written for the brand and you can check out the first one right here. Writing scripts is one of my favourite things to do. The storytelling element is so often missing in marketing and yet it’s the one that connects us the most. Did I get to fly on the private jet? Not this time but maybe third time will be a charm? Stay tuned for the final video!

#2 Launching a Dubai Finance Brand

Dubai, a city synonymous with wealth and ambition, is my next creative playground. I, along with the Contentworks Agency team, am working with a new finance brand preparing for its big launch. This involves not only writing promotional content but also developing a brand voice that matches the brand’s forward-thinking ethos. The finance sector can be complex, but the goal is to make the brand feel approachable, trustworthy, and fresh. We plan to attend Dubai’s iFXEXPO next year as media partners which we expect will open up more opportunities in the region.

#3 Consulting for a New York NEO Bank

One of the more strategic projects I am working on is the launch of a new NEO bank for Gen Zs. We’re talking financial education, TikTok strategies, fun and relatable blogs and conveying the brand’s vision and growth potential. With a background in financial services marketing, this is something I’m really enjoying. Checking all the regulation boxes, yes. Being transparent and clear, definitely. But also exploring fun ways to convey financial topics to a fresh audience?  I’m here for it.

#4 All About The Drama

On a personal note, I recently joined a drama club and it’s been such a fun way to spread my storytelling wings. It’s one thing to write a script, but ad-libbing as different characters in different scenarios has been so much fun. Not only is it reigniting my love for theatre, but it’s also giving me fresh perspective on dialogue and character development. Plus, it’s been a welcome break from the screen, allowing me to dive into collaborative creativity.

#5 Getting Creepy In The Mountains

There’s nothing like a mountain retreat around Halloween to get the creativity flowing through my veins. At the end of October, I’m taking my notepad and pen up to a mountain cabin for some creative R&R! Creepy mountain essentials include hot chocolate, a fluffy blanket, some cosy PJs and my WIFI firmly turned off.

October has been an eclectic blend of scripts, blogs, drama and a bit of mountain downtime. Its reminded me how versatile writing can be. One day, you’re refining a pitch for investors, and the next, you’re creating a narrative that will soar 30,000 feet in the air. I’m excited to see where November will take me.

Here’s to more stories to tell, scripts to write, and new experiences to enjoy. Message me for writing collabs and creative content.

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