How to Create Great Social Media Content in a “Boring” Industry

Article written by Charli and published at Agorapulse.

Do you work in an industry that others might consider a little boring? After all, sometimes what we find riveting might not exactly translate well to video, graphic design, or written content? If you’re stuck wondering how to create content for a “boring industry” then read on to find ideas to create content that captures attention and brings energy to your field.

At Contentworks Agency we’ve had clients say to us, “We love the social media content from Ryanair, Nike, or Taco Bell. Just do something like that.” That’s all well and good, but those are fun industries. Who doesn’t want to eat Taco Bell while wearing the latest Nikes and hopping on a plane to somewhere exotic? Plus, those brands have whopping great big budgets and entirely different legal and compliance rules.

So how can you create great social media content in a boring industry? *SPOILER ALERT* You can, and we’re also going to define boring industries so buckle up!


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