How Does Google Identify AI Content, And Why Should Your Finance Brand Care?

Article written by Charli and published at FX News Group

Google has announced plans to crack down on AI-generated content designed to elevate search rankings by manipulating algorithms. It intends to delist AI-generated content from its search results, and even target individuals who publish low-quality content on websites with a high reputation score. The search giant explained that it would update algorithms in its core ranking systems to target 3 types of “content abuse,” with AI-generated, automated content topping the list.

So, we can expect updates that help Google better recognise web pages that offer poor user experiences, are unhelpful, or appear to be created more for SEO purposes than for people. Google estimates that these updates will help reduce unoriginal search results and spam by 40%. The updates will also improve the identification of expired domains that are being repurposed as “clickbait sites.” The updates to Google’s algorithms, expected to be rolled out by May 2024, will have a significant impact on improving the quality of online content and directing traffic to valuable and reputable websites. So how does Google identify AI content and more importantly, why should your finance brand care? Contentworks Agency is the leading content and communication agency for the financial services sector. Here’s what’s happening.


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