Enter Spring

@charlisaysEnter Spring is my latest poem. ??? #p#oetry #w#riterslife #w#riting #w#riting #s#pring #p#oetryreading♬ Vivaldi Spring – All Night Sleeping Songs to Help You Relax

Enter spring with yellow daisies
Peeking through the soft green grass
Narcissus blooming in the meadow
Tulips line the old oak path
Enter spring with shallows new
And swifts and songbirds flutter free
Calling out in clumsy chorus
Thronging in the speckled sun
Enter spring with showy colours
Dappled in the lush jade wood
Woodland creatures blinking skyward
Waking now from every nook.
Enter spring the snows have passed
The morning air is fragrant grass
Confetti petals underfoot
Darkness shed and light withstood


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